You can use the GlobalProtect Client Panel Detail tab or the command line tools like ipconfig/all, ifconfig, nslookup, netstat -nr, route print etc. In the General tab, IKE using Preshared Secret is the default setting for Authentication Method. For Windows Server 2008, the event ID is 4740, and for Windows Server 20 the event ID is 644.In the upper right, click the X to close the window. Check that the default route points to the correct interface. Click configure icon for the WAN GroupVPN entry.Workaround 1: Manually add the default route for the Interface.For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows.Make sure that the virtual adapter in not present in the Network adapter settings. exe I have the following error: The installer was interrupted before could be installed. Navigate to and select the following registry key. Globalprotect failed to get default route entry windows 7 2.